Monday, August 29, 2011

Mass Media

Well, it is the day after the big hurricane, Irene, was supposed to go right through Times Square. The media coverage of this non-event was continuous and relentless. Even those Sunday morning news shows like Meet the Press and This week with whoever, spent almost the entire program covering a event that did not happen. Was there nothing else going on in the world? The whole thing turned out to be a big rainfall which did cause flooding but not the catastrophe that the media was hoping to happen.

And yes, I do mean hoping to happen. There's nothing better for ratings  to be on TV 24 hours a day ,reporting on some event that they all take up collectively. The similarity of the reporting is also disturbing to me. We all think that CNN,ABC,NBC and all the rest of the TV media are different companies. But they seem to have the same producers. Switching to different channels during news times, it is amazing that they all are coving the same story ,at the same time, interviewing the same person.

Remember the Bird flu and the,what did they call it, h1n1 something and many more scare campaigns that you can think of. It is getting to the point that you cannot believe most of what you hear and see on TV news.

Remember some years ago when, I think it was NBC magazine show,  they were doing a segment on a roll over truck. When filming the test, they couldn't get the truck to roll over naturally, so they rigged it to roll over. Then presented as proof that the truck was unsafe.  You can goggle it.

And they are so overwhelming democratic it is embarrassing. I don't have to give examples here of their bias, any honest person has to see it , even if you are a Democrat.

The strange thing is, when I debate these liberals and I bring up what I think are facts and intelligent reasoning, they say I must watch Fox News. Well, first of all, I can't afford cable and the liberals have ABC, NBC, CBS,MSNBC,CNN plus the bible of all liberalism ,The New York Times and many more.Plus Hollywood.

Did anyone see Avatar. I saw it on tape and the not so subliminal message it was sending is that America is the bad guys and the whole world should unite against it. So heavy handed , but the $400,000,000 price for the great visuals fools people into thinking they are watching something that has relevance in their lives or are they trying rile people up against the man.

So, when I try to contradict them their only retort is that I watch Fox News. It is because they listen to nothing but Liberal news and the facts that I bring up, they never heard before.And if they have never heard that info or thought through their own reasoning than who am I to contradict their mantra. Dictated to them by academics, that they feel are superior to them, than I must be a heretic, a reactionary, why I may even be a racist. To them, all things are possible if one deviates, even slightly, from  atheistic socialism.

Now most people that go along with this mentality, never heard of atheistic socialism, they go along because that is the cool thing to do. All the big movie stars and entertainers are almost all unapologetic liberals. Although their attitude has changed since the Viet Nam war. During VN, the liberals condemned the military and everyone that served. When I got out of the Navy in 1968, I had to lie to women where I had been for the last 4 tears otherwise she would turn away from me and call me a baby killer. It's nice to hear even liberals say to military, thank you for your service.

There was one actor that comes to mind ,Ron Silver.
Ron had a great acting career going , he would do a Broadway show and then a major part in a major movie. Ron was considered a Hollywood liberal until 9/11. He had said , that event changed his mind on many things and he supported Bush during the Iraq war. I don't know if it is a coincident but his career seemed to nosedive after that, didn't work as much and died a few years later. Maybe he just should have kept his mouth shut. I know I should have.

Well, that's all for now, please feel free to comment

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Welcome to my rants and raves

First of all, let me tell you a little something about myself. I am, as I write this ,66 years old. To some of you young folks that think because I am so old that I don't know what is happening. You don't get to be this old if your stupid. Imagine this, I didn't have a TV until I was 7 years old.

I am grateful that I grew up when I did. My parents went through the Great Depression and then WW2. I grew up in the 50's, which overall , in my opinion, was the best decade this country ever had ,for the ordinary person. One salary, in a ordinary job, could buy you your own house and a car.

There was a sense of optimism in the people. The US was just victories in WW2 and the whole world looked up to us for guidance and protection.New industries grew providing good jobs for people that wanted them and new innovative products that made daily living easier. It wasn't all perfect, we were in the middle of the Cold War and remnants of racism and ignorance still existed in our society.

But then the 60's happened, and people wanted change. But to what? Sure, there was racism but the country was on it's way to correcting any perceived injustices but some people seemed to want to tear down everything about this country, in the name of atheistic socialism. It is like a religion in that ,you cannot convince these" believers in nothing" that they may be mistaken. No amount of evidence or reasoning can change their mind.

What did this great awakening bring to our society? First of all, they gave us drugs. Prior to the 60's, illegal drugs were way underground and they should have stayed there. Now, we have generations of useless drugged out bums , living off Social Security Disability.

They gave us "free love" which led to easy divorce, disease and the exploitation of women. Yes, women were conned into giving away their bodies in the name of being free. Believe me when I tell you, men used that to their advantage to sweet talk women into giving up their virtue.

How do they get like that? The 60's radicals that called for the fall of the United States of America are now professors in most universities in the US. Even in grammar school and high school, history is not being taught, they give something that is called history but is really political indoctrination. The news media and Hollywood adhere to this philosophy. They would never admit it but the decades from the 60's has shown ,through their work, that they have a negative belief in what America contributes to the world.

They have also demonized the military since the Viet Nam war and only recently have they relented on their attacks and have coined the phrase "thank you for your service". Maybe because of some innate guilt for not serving their country but now reap the benefits from the country they want to tear down.

Below is a poem to the Vietnam Vets