Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Is this the change you want?

The American people voted for change and that is what they are getting. There are three items in the news that signify change but is this what you want?

First: The Catholic Church will be required, under Obama care to provide free birth control, sterilization, and the morning after abortion pill for their employee's through the church's health plan.

To abide by this mandate, the church will have to go against their religious beliefs. This is a terrible mistake by the Obama administration. The Catholic Church will not honor this mandate and resist it by all means, through the courts and if they are rigged , on the streets. This is an attack on religious freedom a foundation of our constitution and American way of life.

Birth control would be available elsewhere but forcing a institution to provide a service, that is against their fundamental religious beliefs, is akin to a dictatorship and not a free nation.

Even if you are a atheist, this blatant crime against FREEDOM should unite believers and non-believers.

News article on birth control

Second: The next item is related to the first. An article in the NY Times ridicules the American constitution as a outdated antique. Supreme Court Judge Ginsberg is quoted in the article as saying that the South African constitution is the ideal constitution. This from a judge sworn to abide by the AMERICAN constitution in her legal decisions.

Their conclusion is that the American constitution does not provide enough rights such as: food and health care. When the government guarantees food and a job it is socialism and is doomed to fail. Look what is happening in Europe, their whole entitlement society is coming apart because socialism does not take into account, human nature

NY Times on the Constitution

Third: The next item is also related to the other Two. In order change America by trashing the constitution, the atheistic socialists need votes. Votes from anywhere, from Americans and from illegal immigrants to tip the balance in their favor.

It is no coincidence that pro-illegal people are the same ones that say, showing state issued identification is somehow unfair.

Why would anyone consider it unfair to ask for ID in order to vote in elections? So they can cheat, simple as that.

Now, the Obama administration is establishing a federal agency to advocate for illegal immigrant rights. So, the same government that is required to enforce immigration laws, will be an advocate for people that break those laws.

Washington Times article on immigration

Other important links for you:
Declaring my candidacy

Scientific Arguments Against Atheism

Monday, February 6, 2012

Do not let the rich fool you.

This may come as a surprise to some people but most of the super rich are also the most active liberals. Think about it, do the rich care about high gas prices? No, they use the enviroment as an excuse, but they favor high gas prices to keep YOU off the road.How much does it hurt the rich if gas is $10 a gallon. Why is every attempt to harness this country's vast resources hampered by enviromentalist who claim to do it to save the planet? Yes ,they want to save the planet just for themselves.

Do you know what the ideal population that the rich enviromentalist strive for on earth? 500 million, that's 6.5 billion less than now. So they push for population control for the masses but not for themselves. They can have as many children they want because normal restrictions that you and I are subject to, do not apply for the very rich. They want you to be childless and die young.

The Platonist
Yale study on population

Why are liberal politicians against school vouchers for poor people? They say it would take money away from public schools but they don't send their kids to public schools. They don't care if your kid's education suffers and for the children that have no choice, school becomes a survival test everyday. Why, because the teachers' union contributes heavily to the democratic party.

The rich favor illegal immigration because it gives them a cheap labor force and enables the Democrats to cheat on elections. Why do rich liberals say it is unfair to ask for identification to vote. They say so because some people are not able to get id because they are sick or can't get to the dmv. Do you really think they care about that handful of people? No, they do it so they can cheat. Without id, a person can vote many times and doesn't have to prove they are citizens.
The kickoff of my campaign for Potus

Prempting Sexual Harrassment Claims