Now we have an agreement with Iran, that the administration says will delay their nuclear development . You have to worry about any agreement from a country where parts of it's military chant "Death to America". Make no mistake about it, this is a fascist state on the march similar to Hitler's Germany. God help us if history repeats itself.
Back in the 1930's , before WW2 started, England thought they had an agreement from Germany, that they would not conquer anymore territory, it was the Munich Agreement of September 30, 1938.Of coarse, Hitler broke the agreement and invaded Poland, which started WW2. Hitler also had a non-aggression agreement with the Soviet Union, the Soviet-German non-aggression Treaty of August 23,1939. He broke that one also and invaded the Soviet Union.
Hitler used these agreements to play for time until his military was ready to take on the world. I fear that is happening again. Iran will use this relaxing of the sanctions to appease it's suffering population and bring their nuclear program closer to a nuclear weapon. If this happens, the world will never be the same.
Once Iran has nuclear weapons, they would be unstoppable in their quest for an Islamic world. So even though they would just have a few nukes and we with thousands, they would be immune from a conventional attack because they could wipe out any US carrier force with just one nuclear bomb.That means, the around the clock bombing that the US was able to use in non nuclear wars,like in Iraq, would be obsolete, because without carriers the bombers would have to fly from the US all the way to Iran. I don't think any neighboring country will let us fly out of their country for fear of being struck by Iran..
At this point they could run havoc throughout the world and blackmail the west into giving in to their demands. Because the west is outnumbered 100 to 1 in population compared to the rest of the world, our only option would be to use our nuclear superiority to initiate a nuclear attack. The west has no stomach to do this unless Iran used it first, which it will never do.
The US is in a awkward position with a discredited administration telling us that everything is going to be ok.
Back in the 1930's , before WW2 started, England thought they had an agreement from Germany, that they would not conquer anymore territory, it was the Munich Agreement of September 30, 1938.Of coarse, Hitler broke the agreement and invaded Poland, which started WW2. Hitler also had a non-aggression agreement with the Soviet Union, the Soviet-German non-aggression Treaty of August 23,1939. He broke that one also and invaded the Soviet Union.
Hitler used these agreements to play for time until his military was ready to take on the world. I fear that is happening again. Iran will use this relaxing of the sanctions to appease it's suffering population and bring their nuclear program closer to a nuclear weapon. If this happens, the world will never be the same.
Once Iran has nuclear weapons, they would be unstoppable in their quest for an Islamic world. So even though they would just have a few nukes and we with thousands, they would be immune from a conventional attack because they could wipe out any US carrier force with just one nuclear bomb.That means, the around the clock bombing that the US was able to use in non nuclear wars,like in Iraq, would be obsolete, because without carriers the bombers would have to fly from the US all the way to Iran. I don't think any neighboring country will let us fly out of their country for fear of being struck by Iran..
At this point they could run havoc throughout the world and blackmail the west into giving in to their demands. Because the west is outnumbered 100 to 1 in population compared to the rest of the world, our only option would be to use our nuclear superiority to initiate a nuclear attack. The west has no stomach to do this unless Iran used it first, which it will never do.
The US is in a awkward position with a discredited administration telling us that everything is going to be ok.