Sunday, November 16, 2014

I am not a prophet, but...

I am not a prophet. How could I ,a working class US Navy veteran, without college, how could I see through the shallowness of the liberal ideology, while so many people succumb to mass media propaganda.I have been an actor for over 30 years and have managed to survive, as a patriotic American, in a sea of liberalism.I have never lost a debate with a liberal and relish the verbal abuse I get when I have destroyed their rationale and they resort to name calling and accusing me of watching Fox News.Then I know I have won.

Here is a video I made last year, 6/23/2013, commenting on liberal policies that now have become evident.

Here is a video I made about the border crisis in this country and hope it had some small part in the recent 2014 election.

I have also tried to do some political satire and the first one deals with  leftist political propaganda that college students must endure when trying to get an education. Made in 9/16/2014

The next one is also satire and deals withe the typical Obama voter.11/8/2012

I also noted that recent scientific discoveries point to a conscious intelligence behind creation and this video highlights the main points.

I have also written some blogs that further detail the political crisis. 6/20/2014

And last, for now, my take on the health care debate that I wrote 9/13/2011. If they would have only taken my advice.

I hope that this information can be helpful to you because our survival as a nation depends on you.

John Del Regno

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Climate Change Rally

So, they had their big march in New York for global warming or climate change, or what ever the politically correct term this month. While the reported numbers were 100,000, it was mostly advocates of all left wing causes. There were the pro illegal immigration,the pro abortion and of coarse the gay advocates and many more.

Once again the 'useful idiots ' were controlled by the rich. Here they were ,protesting for higher fuel prices and economic disaster for America. Whatever the US does would make no difference in the weather unless the rest of the world agreed.China,India and Russia are not about to do anything that would hinder their economy for some politically correct ambition.

But that makes no difference to former presidential candidates and movie stars that flew their personal jets to NY. They don't care what damage they do, they are out to save the planet and if there are consequences, well they will be all right, they have money, they can just fly to safety and live among the old rich.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


The common denominator of all liberal policies such as;abortion, same sex marriage,global warming, atheism and gun-control is depopulation. For years I have wondered, why so many people favor these issues ,even if it is to the detriment of their own country.
I don't mean 'the useful idiots' that will go along with any trendy movement. I mean the important billionaires, the big shots in industry, government and the universities.

Why would all these big shots not realize the chaos these policies cause.Because, they want the chaos, they will be protected, they have big money, they have many options. they will just stay out of the way while the people destroy themselves as per their agenda of depopulation.

Abortion, if enough people get rid of their pregnancies, a lot of people will not be born. They try to take the moral high ground, ' a women's choice' sure someone is raped or just makes a mistake. But abortion advocates will not even negotiate limits such as; 3rd trimester abortions. At this point it's a developing human being and deserves  protection, but with them in power, no unborn baby is safe .This is not about a woman's choice but a insensitivity toward human life.

Same Sex Marriage. this one is easy, men joining with other men and likewise  women with women produces no children.consistent with depopulation.

Human Caused Global Warming, Climate Change; While the scientific proof of this is dubious, at best, many big shots are anxious to do something about it. The solutions they propose will dramatically increase the cost of energy and energy drives the economy.If gas went to 15 a gallon, that would be just pocket change for the big shots but a tremendous burden on the average person. This one really excites them because there would be just them and other big shots on the road.

Atheism; from the beginning of human history, all civilizations were formed around some belief in the supernatural. This is what separates humans from animals. This belief enables humans to live together in peace. otherwise there would be no concept of right or wrong and impossible to control the population.

Gun Control; of coarse some gun control is necessary but the big shots want to take the average Joe's gun away. Ignoring the fact that gun control laws are ignored by criminals and only affect law abiding citizens that wish to protect themselves from criminals.

You have to be aware that many of these people are globalists and have no love for America, in fact they hate what this country stands for, a free and brave people, and they reside globally, they think they are immune from any chaos their policies cause. To give one example , the founder and ceo of facebook, a billion dollar company, advocates for open immigration for America. But he resides in a mansion in a gated community, not only that but he bought the surrounding houses to ensure his privacy. So , what does he care that local schools, hospitals and quality of life for the averge American will suffer greatly, he will be comfortable.

Friday, June 20, 2014

America betrayed by liberals.

As I speak, the whole world is falling apart. make no mistake about it, war is in the future for America.With it's retreat around the world, extremist elements are filling the vacuum. We have all seen the news about Russia's intrusion in Ukraine, the civil wars in Syria and now Iraq,the entire  3rd world is exploding. I could go on but  you get the idea. If you're thinking,' what do I care, let them kill each other. Make no mistake about it, once they have settle their differences, no matter who wins, they will be enemies to America and bring the war here.

If you're surprised by this, then you must be one of those Yalie,Harvard sissies that never had a fight in his life. Anyone,  that comes from the working class , understands that if you are known as a punk,  a coward for you preppies, no one respects you and the tough guys will take advantage of any signs of weakness. You don't have to be a big ass kicker but someone who,if pushed hard enough ,will fight.Predators want easy kills,this is the law of the jungle and the law of the streets.

The same simple logic applies on the world wide stage. Weak nations are either absorbed by stronger nations or are protected by even stronger nations,like America. This country has saved Europe from itself in 2 world wars. we have allowed nations to feel comfortable behind the American military security blanket while they compete economically with the US. Never worrying that America would use it's tremendous military power for it's own economic advantage.

But no more, I am not going to blame the current administration.This trendy anti-Americanism reared it's treacherous head in the 1960's during the Vietnam war. A radical anti-war movement began in the universities and spread quickly to the streets because they gave the cowards an excuse to avoid the draft and serve in the military. The movement's point of view was , America went into Vietnam because of imperialism or whatever. I don't know what we would have gained ,Vietnam didn't have oil or any resources. They insisted that we were pushing this poor communist country around.

They never accepted the fact that the Vietnam war was a battle within the Cold War. The communist empire, after ww2, was on the march, from the absorption of all of eastern Europe, to Korea and then Vietnam. The communists were striving for world domination.but the hippies didn't care, it gave the cowards a way out and they went from cowards to traitors.

Well, all those radicals,anti-establishment, counter culture hippies got away with their treason and now are the establishment. they control the entire educational system , large parts of the government like the IRS, and the news and entertainment industry.

But they still hold those anti-American views.So now they are in power and the results are; an America in decline. In 1969 America was the first and only nation since to land a man on the moon. Now to send an astronaut into space, we have to hitch a ride on a Russian space ship. Of coarse this is purely symbolic but I imagine that future historians will mark this as a milestone in the fall and decline of America.

We have at least 2 generations of college educated Americans brainwashed into thinking that America has been a negative affect on the world, ignoring all the technology and democracy that we have shared with the world.

As I write this, the southern border of the US is being invaded, this is not immigration , this planned chaos by the liberals in government to ensure a steady supply of Democrat voters. The liberals in the government do not care that this will destroy the quality of life in America, public schools will be overloaded by uneducated people that don't speak English, the medical system will be overloaded and health care will be scarce for American citizens, crime and  disease will follow . But the rich liberals will not be affected and will be able to stay in power for ever, and that's all they care about.

Liberal policies favor the rich

It is time for the American people ,that love this country, to vote these traitors out. Then can the US deal legally with these American traitors from Jane Fonda on down.

Since I first wrote this, Donald Trump has been elected president of the United States of America and the atheistic socialistsare doing everything they can to undermine his presidency. The will of the people have finally used their power to save their country and will support Donald Trump to the end.

UPDATE 1/27/2018
In the couple of years since I first wrote this blog, the actions by the liberals and the democrats have proved ,,beyond d any shadow of doubt, are traitors.

Since the candidacy of Donald Trump, who although obnoxious to some people, has tried to institute policies that are beneficial for the WHOLE country and not just to voting blocks, as the democrat party does.

As I write this, the economy, because of the tax cuts , is booming, ISIS has been defeated in Iraq and Syria, the trace deficit has been addressed in a serious way and real border security has become a priority. Things that are good for the WHOLE country and not just so democrats can get elected by flooding the country with illegal immigration.

But the liberals do not care what is good for the WHOLE country and the American people, all they care about is gay rights and abortion.

So, even though Tramp's policies can benefit most of the people,except criminals and bums, the liberals, with the assistance of the mass media, news and entertainment, obstruct these beneficial policies relentlessly day and night, because all they care about is staying in power,no matter what

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Don't call me bossy.

This pampered rich broad, this president of Facebook says we should ban the word bossy. at first, I thought this was a SNL skit. But no, this rich woman, this ceo of a billion dollar company,wants to ban the word bossy because it will make assertive little girls feel bad and not want to achieve success and become rich and ceos of billion dollar companies because someone may call her bossy.

Of coarse the brain dead media puts this born rich ceo of a billion dollar company on the evening news along with the revolution in Ukraine and the missing airplane.

I am not a woman but if I was, I would be embarrassed . This rich female ceo of the billion dollar company makes women look like a bunch of simpering weak little girls. Believe me, I love and have known women all my life and they certainly would not be stopped from going after what they want because someone may call them bossy.They may even prefer bossy to , YOU FUCKING BITCH. But this born rich, pampered ceo of a billion dollar company thinks women need her to protect them from life.

I am hoping that some women might speak up and tell this rich,pampered ceo of the billion dollar company that strong women don't have to play the victim .