Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Chattanooga shooter: Why?

Why did he do it?  The pundits  ask, why would a guy with a electrical engineering degree and job, from a middle class family, commit suicide by firing on random military people and killing 5 . The fact that he is a Muslim and emigrated to this country as a young boy, of coarse has baring on why.

Understand this, I have no sympathy for this killer I am going to try to imagine what was going on inside of this him. Muslims in America have a dilemma, how to be a devout Muslim in a land that has become a modern Sodomon and Gomorra. When the host country sanctions same sex marriage and endorses homosexuality as normal, an American Muslim may become frustrated by this. Combine that with the rhetoric broadcast by the leaders of Islam, that the West is evil and must be destroyed.

Could he just mind his own business as most Christians do? But maybe he sees modern Christians as weak and ineffectual and slowly compromising their beliefs under the atheist political correct onslaught.

Does there come a point, that to live amongst this depravity, and not do what his religion commands him to do, would that be acceptance of this depravity? And acceptance leads to participation

It has been revealed that he had a drug and booz problem. He recently received a DUI, which can screw up your life in many ways. So, here's a guy that could have lived the American dream and to some that knew him, he was. But then he succumbed to temptation.

So, in his mind, what to do? Do I fall into the American depravity of homosexuality, late term abortion, pornography, drugs and political corruption or turn to his religion which advocates marterdom in defense of Islam.

So, as America celebrates the national legalization of same sex marriage, there is a down side. The liberal left has succeeded demoralizing the Christian right but there is a growing Muslim population in America, horrified to see American women walking around half naked.

So for now, they keep quite, but every now and then one of them will blow , like the Chattanooga shooter or the Boston bombers ,and strike out against the evil west. We are witnessing a clash of civilizations right here the  USA. If Christianity was still relevant in America, I think they and Islam could co-exist.

It is ironic, that liberals, who have used the courts to try to banish Christianity from public view , are the same people who supported the Mosque near the 9-11 sight.They will pine for the days when Christianity was the dominate religion in America. They will see their favorite social achievements such as: abortion, same sex marriage and atheism crushed under the weight of a religion that does not fear death and certainly not their political correctness.

Scientific arguments against Atheism