Friday, May 25, 2018

Understanding the " Deep State".

I think I finally have an understanding what is meant by the "Deep State", that secretly controls much of America. As  a working class deplorable, I instinctively felt that something was not right with America.

Coming back to civilization, after spending 4 years of active duty in the US Navy in late 1968, I was shocked at the almost treacherous behavior that was common among many people, at the height of the anti-war movement. It wasn't that they were against the Vietnam War.

Oh, before I forget, what about the collusion between the Soviet Union, Russia, and the anti war movement of the 60's?

 But as I was saying, it was not so much that they were against the war, it was that some of their actions were downright treasonous. Burning the American flag and raising the Vietcong flag while Americans are dying in battle from the enemy that they aided. Big movie stars going to the home of the enemy and encouraging them, so they feel emboldened to keep killing Americans and then this movie star comes back to America and is honored for her (Jane Fonda) treachery .

Why were they allowed to get away with it? Don't give me,"it is their right". Through out history, going back thousands of years, if you did something intentionally, that aids the enemy ,in any way, that is treason. Did they not think that the enemy is watching them and are encouraged to keep on killing Americans, because they feel that time is on their side. I wondered, back then, why didn't the government come in and lock up these traitors ?

So, who are these high level government employees, educated in the most elite colleges in America, that have decided among themselves, along with their classmates in the news media, that seem to follow a atheistic socialistic agenda.

Most but not all, actually feel like they are doing the right thing, this American aristocracy, that control the democrat party, much of the republican party, the government and the news and entertainment industries. They ,along with all the actors, comediennes, news readers and the rest of the "useful idiots", that bow and kiss the feet of the elite in order to receive crumbs, as long as you behave. The elites and the useful idiots all get the same basic training, as the educational system has been totally corrupted by the "deep State"

Do Not be fooled by their claims of inclusion for everyone, because anyone included in their protected special interest, that dares to deviate from the political correctness plantation, is immediately condemned and ridiculed by the "deep State".

And, for the last 50 years or so, they have had their way. They control the media, both political parties, the government and of coarse the educational system.

But, along comes Donald Trump. While a rich business man, he is not an elite Harvard brainwashed useful idiot but a patriotic American, who sees how the globalist elite have drained America of it's wealth and patriotism. He tries to introduce the practical ways to fix the basic problems that hurt the overall lives of many Americans, that have been created by the elite for their own benefit at the expense of the American working class.

So, the American people, in their wisdom, elected Donald Trump, against great odds, to make America great again. And the elite fearing to lose their power, attack Trump,at every level, even if it is detrimental to the American people.


How do liberals get away with it?

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

American Jews should support Trump.

I grew up in New York City and also have been an actor for 40 years, so I have been friends and have worked with many Jews over the years. Most Jews that I Have known over the years were always the most liberal and supported and worked for the most liberal organizations. I have had many debates over the years as I am a veteran and have mostly conservative beliefs. But now with the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel should assure American Jews that America will not turn into fascist state like Hitler's Germany and it is in America that Jews are the safest in the world. The greatest threat to Jews and Israel are these militant Islamic terrorists that want the death of America and Israel.

So ,why are all these big shot Jews that control the news media and entertainment still advocate this constant anti Trump propaganda that is blasted day and night in the media?.And also these colleges that promote diversity for races but all thinking and teaching must be liberal and essentially anti American

Sure there are things about Tramp's personality that may be abhorrent to you but his policies are beneficial to all Americans and not to just people of color, gays and bums. Using extreme political correctness will destroy not only Trump but America and then we will all die.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Liberal hatred of Trump puts America in Danger!

The constant negative assault against Donald Trump by the news media and the entertainment industry, weakens the presidency during a crucial time in American history.

On the eve of life and death negotiations with N. Korea about dismantling their nuclear weapons that could destroy the United States of America and kill hundreds of millions Americans, the mass media uses a pornagraphic actress to attack Trump with accusations against Trump and possibly weakening his position with N. Korea.

The reality of the situation is a outlaw country with the capability to destroy America is ignored by the mass media in their assault on Trump. The accusation that money was paid to this porno actress to keep her mouth shut, so what?

Does this compare with the many rape and sexual harassment claims against Bill Clinton, while he was in office. And he was vigorously defended by the mass media, claiming it was a cabal of conservatives anda blow job is not sex, to excuse his lying under oath when he claimed he had no sex with that 21 year old unpaid intern. And how about that lion of the senate, the darling of the liberals ,who deserted a women he was having a affair with, to drown and not save her and not report it ,so the news wouldn't pick it up. But again, when the word got out about his cowardly deed, the liberal media defended him.

This is also tied in with the special prosicator ongoing investigation into Trump life, looking for any law that he may have broken in his whole life in order to impeach Trump. What person can endure this kind of investigation? This is something that would be done in the old Soviet Union, to destroy political opponents.

You may not like his style but if the American people allow this witch hunt to bring down a duly elected president, than they deserve to be on the ash heap of history.