Thursday, April 9, 2020

Coronavirus conspiracy theory

Maybe my imagination is working overtime,but I am very suspicious about this coronavirus pandemic.This wholesale shutting down of the American economy, which this country may never recover from and cost way more lives than the virus.

What if this is a plan cooked up by China and globalists within the American government and the Trump hating news media, and then America can be depleted of it's wealth and strength, so the red flag of communism will cover the earth.The constant barrage of negative news about this coming pandemic, that they say is affecting the human race globally., does not add up. As I write this, the predictions of death and critical care are much less than predicted. The people that die or require intensive care have other serious medical conditions and the average age , of the most severe cases, is 80 years old. Most people that test positive don't know they have coronavirus or have minor symptoms.

Over the last couple decades, there were several diseases that were said to be deadly and contagious. But life went on,there was not this closing down of schools,sports, entertainment many businesses ,that make up a large part of the American economy.

Before this crisis, because of Trump's America first policy,the economy was going great. Trump looked like a good bet to be re-elected, not only for the booming economy, but also the weak candidates the democrats were putting forth. But the democrats in collusion with the news media, tried to destroy Trump and his presidency. They tried collusion with Russia, they tried impeachment over a phone call. These attempts failed .

Why should they want to do this? Because Trump stands in their way of their agenda of world domination.
These Americans have no love for America. These are the flag burners, ex hippies that have infiltrated the government, news media and the courts.
This why Trump was elected.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Corona virus is a fake crisis

Meanwhile, 10 million Americans have lost their jobs over a corona virus death percentage rate that rounds off to Zero Percent! 75,000 Americans died from Swine Flu in 2009-10. The economy did not shut down in 2009-10. Spare me the melodrama that it’s OK to destroy our economy if it saves just one life. 384,000 abortions, including late term and post-birth are performed every year! 3 million Americans die from all causes every year! People die. No one likes it, but it has and will always be a reality! This is a media hyped crisis that few die from. Most corona virus patients have a full recovery! Those in the high risk category need to take precautions. The rest of us that need to feed our families should have the right to choose for ourselves if we go to work. Do we close down America every year going forward during the flu season? The window to reverse this unnecessary economic suicide is closing fast. America needs to walk and chew gum at the same time.