OK, we went through for a couple of years of debate on health care and ended up with Obamacare. It was a nice try but it is not going to work because it does not attack the main problem with health care and that is the cost.
Up until a few years ago, most large companies provided free health insurance for their employees and their families. When I first came out to California in 1982 my family and I were covered by Screen Actors Guild after I did a couple of guest spots on TV. I maybe earned $6,000 my first year in Los Angeles. That little money I earned qualified me for full insurance. That meant not only me but my wife and the birth of my daughter in 1983. Now an actor has to earn $27,000 to qualify.
So what changed? First of all, there has been a massive immigration from Mexico of poor uneducated people who, for the most part, get at least maternity care for free.Also, they use the emergency rooms for minor ailments and are not required to show ID. If they get free health care then somebody has to pay for that care or the hospital goes out of business. And who is that? You pay for it when you get medical care with insurance. The hospital is going to bang your insurance big time to pay for free care.
Also, we have to reduce the demand for health care. How do you do that? People should not be encourage to seek medical care for every ache and pain they have. The medical industry constantly tells the public they should get annual exams and test for everything,prostrate,breast ,you name it and there is an annual test they tell you to come in and test. Of coarse the doctor, like a car mechanic, is going to find something that you will need medication for that may do more harm than good. These test and medications are not needed for basically healthy people. In fact, if you want to stay healthy, keep away from the medical industry unless it is an emergency.
I am now 72 years old and I cannot remember the last time I went to a doctor for anything and I have full coverage. Yes, I am lucky to be healthy at my age but I do things for myself that keeps me away from doctors
Fist of all, exercise is the most important. Why, I don't know but the body rejuvenates itself after a good workout and maybe builds the body better than before the workout. Next is good food. This is common sense to have a balanced diet and with exercise and some moderation you don't have to diet to keep the weight off. In fact, a lot of these fad diets are bad for you because you are denying your body of nutrients that it may need.
I hear people say they don't have any sugar or carbohydrates but if you are successful in denying yourself of these foods ,you would die.
Also, medical mistakes ranks in the top 10 reasons why people die.
So, in conclusion, common sense a little knowledge of how the body works can keep you healthy and away from the Medical Industry.
Up until a few years ago, most large companies provided free health insurance for their employees and their families. When I first came out to California in 1982 my family and I were covered by Screen Actors Guild after I did a couple of guest spots on TV. I maybe earned $6,000 my first year in Los Angeles. That little money I earned qualified me for full insurance. That meant not only me but my wife and the birth of my daughter in 1983. Now an actor has to earn $27,000 to qualify.
So what changed? First of all, there has been a massive immigration from Mexico of poor uneducated people who, for the most part, get at least maternity care for free.Also, they use the emergency rooms for minor ailments and are not required to show ID. If they get free health care then somebody has to pay for that care or the hospital goes out of business. And who is that? You pay for it when you get medical care with insurance. The hospital is going to bang your insurance big time to pay for free care.
Also, we have to reduce the demand for health care. How do you do that? People should not be encourage to seek medical care for every ache and pain they have. The medical industry constantly tells the public they should get annual exams and test for everything,prostrate,breast ,you name it and there is an annual test they tell you to come in and test. Of coarse the doctor, like a car mechanic, is going to find something that you will need medication for that may do more harm than good. These test and medications are not needed for basically healthy people. In fact, if you want to stay healthy, keep away from the medical industry unless it is an emergency.
I am now 72 years old and I cannot remember the last time I went to a doctor for anything and I have full coverage. Yes, I am lucky to be healthy at my age but I do things for myself that keeps me away from doctors
Fist of all, exercise is the most important. Why, I don't know but the body rejuvenates itself after a good workout and maybe builds the body better than before the workout. Next is good food. This is common sense to have a balanced diet and with exercise and some moderation you don't have to diet to keep the weight off. In fact, a lot of these fad diets are bad for you because you are denying your body of nutrients that it may need.
I hear people say they don't have any sugar or carbohydrates but if you are successful in denying yourself of these foods ,you would die.
Also, medical mistakes ranks in the top 10 reasons why people die.
So, in conclusion, common sense a little knowledge of how the body works can keep you healthy and away from the Medical Industry.
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