The idea of multiculturalism reads good on paper. Different races and cultures living together in peace and harmony. Who wouldn't want that? But unfortunately in countries where there is a mixture of different cultures and language, there is constant civil war and sectarian violence.
While America has had and still has many faults, it makes every effort to correct them.The beauty of America is that anyone can be an American.All religions and cultures united in one language and culture. It was once called "THE MELTING POT" That is what brings diversity to a society.
We have a problem now with poor uneducated people flooding into the country illegally and, for many of them, have no desire to assimilate. And these cowardly politicians cater to them just to get the Latino vote no matter what damage is done to society. All they care about is keeping those lucrative,fun and powerful jobs.
It is soon to be signed into law that illegal aliens will only have to pay in state tuition to go to UC colleges. That means that a American citizen coming from another state pays more than a illegal alien. Also the illegals will be eligible for tuition grants which means poor American citizens may not get the grants because the money will go to illegals.
La Times on in state tuition
One of the disasters in the school system in America today is that they no longer teach American history. Kids grow up not knowing how lucky they are to be in America .
If recent immigrants cling to their old culture and language and have no allegiance To America, they will separate into different enclaves that will clash with each other as they do everywhere else.
Look what happened to this poor guy from Italy.
A failure to communicate
It is a mistake to put any government documents in any language but English.
United we stand, divided we fall.
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