Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Evidence of design

Read this article and explain to me how the algae can have the genes tom survive on land, when they have never been on land

Evidence of design

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Chattanooga shooter: Why?

Why did he do it?  The pundits  ask, why would a guy with a electrical engineering degree and job, from a middle class family, commit suicide by firing on random military people and killing 5 . The fact that he is a Muslim and emigrated to this country as a young boy, of coarse has baring on why.

Understand this, I have no sympathy for this killer I am going to try to imagine what was going on inside of this him. Muslims in America have a dilemma, how to be a devout Muslim in a land that has become a modern Sodomon and Gomorra. When the host country sanctions same sex marriage and endorses homosexuality as normal, an American Muslim may become frustrated by this. Combine that with the rhetoric broadcast by the leaders of Islam, that the West is evil and must be destroyed.

Could he just mind his own business as most Christians do? But maybe he sees modern Christians as weak and ineffectual and slowly compromising their beliefs under the atheist political correct onslaught.

Does there come a point, that to live amongst this depravity, and not do what his religion commands him to do, would that be acceptance of this depravity? And acceptance leads to participation

It has been revealed that he had a drug and booz problem. He recently received a DUI, which can screw up your life in many ways. So, here's a guy that could have lived the American dream and to some that knew him, he was. But then he succumbed to temptation.

So, in his mind, what to do? Do I fall into the American depravity of homosexuality, late term abortion, pornography, drugs and political corruption or turn to his religion which advocates marterdom in defense of Islam.

So, as America celebrates the national legalization of same sex marriage, there is a down side. The liberal left has succeeded demoralizing the Christian right but there is a growing Muslim population in America, horrified to see American women walking around half naked.

So for now, they keep quite, but every now and then one of them will blow , like the Chattanooga shooter or the Boston bombers ,and strike out against the evil west. We are witnessing a clash of civilizations right here the  USA. If Christianity was still relevant in America, I think they and Islam could co-exist.

It is ironic, that liberals, who have used the courts to try to banish Christianity from public view , are the same people who supported the Mosque near the 9-11 sight.They will pine for the days when Christianity was the dominate religion in America. They will see their favorite social achievements such as: abortion, same sex marriage and atheism crushed under the weight of a religion that does not fear death and certainly not their political correctness.

Scientific arguments against Atheism

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Donald Trump : America's Champion

The American people need a champion, a fighter, a person that can stand up to an enemy's  attack and fight back. The American people need someone not afraid of the liberal media, that will surely attack with their comediennes, news broadcasts, and political correctness. If he, as president ,should dare to do some thing positive, that actually benefits the working class people of this great country.If he should be so bold as to do something that the American people want, they will attack him.

The 9 to 5ers, military veterans, parents, the good productive people of this country have been ignored and even scorned by it's own government ,as it's officials pander to political correctness in order to stay in power. The democrats have long ago sold out the American people but now even republicans pander to the liberal agenda by allowing countries south of the border to dump their poor uneducated people in the United States. Make no mistake about it, the people coming into America illegally are not the doctors and engineers but their criminals and indigent to get on the gravy train.

Of all the candidate running for president, some of them even mean well, is there one that would be able to, not only stand up to the liberal media and political correctness but fight back, take them on and expose them for the hypocrites they are?

There are a few republicans that talk the talk but when the liberal media attacks them, they run for cover. After all, if they want to keep those cushy jobs with all those fringe benefits, they better play ball, or else.

So who shall be America's champion? Of all the candidates from both parties , who can take the fight to the enemy ?With Same Sex Marriage declared legal in all states, you know next on the liberal agenda is religious institutions that refuse to marry same sex couples and we need a champion to defend RELIGIOUS FREEDOM..

Only one man stands out above all the rest, a man who knows how the world operates and has thrived in it. Only one man that truly loves America and the American people and is willing to fight for them tooth and nail. Only one man, DONALD TRUMP 

Why Trump was elected

UPDATE 11/17/2019
Any doubts I had about Donald Trump from previous updates below have been discarded, as Donald Trump has shown much courage and grit after the constant assault by the news media and the democrat party. From his first day as president Trump has been assaulted 24/7 by almost every news program and even entertainment shows. Now president has had to face impeachment attacks from the beginning without a proven CRIME.

Update: 7/20/2015, Trump must realize, that now that he is a top contender for president, anything he says will be turned around on him. His recent remarks concerning McCain were twisted around on him. Trump must just stick to the facts which work to his benefit, then they cannot hurt him. Explain how McCain has done nothing for the average American but sides with liberals on illegal immigration. I know what Trump meant when he said McCain was not a hero. I served in the US Navy and was a combat air crewman aboard a Navy anti sub p2v plane. I don't consider myself a hero because I just did my job, nothing heroic. I like Trump because he shoots from the hip and lets the pieces fall where they may, but now he must be more careful.

I have been an actor for many years ,surrounded in a sea of liberalism and I have debated libs , been called names when I destroy their simple minded reasoning.

Update 10/25/2015: I disagree with Trumps remarks about Bush and the Iraq War.
I wrote the following blog a few months before Trump's candidacy. Here I explain why the Iraq war was justified.     

UPDATE 1/27/2016  I  am very disappointed that Mr. Trump is not going to be in the next debate because he feels this particular woman moderator doesn't like him. As you can see from the above post, I have supported him even when he opens himself to attack that is unnecessary. But dropping out of the debate looks like he's punking out from a fight. As Mr. Trump, I grew up in NYC but it was a " tale of 2 cities" as I grew up poor on the lower eastside and he didn't. I hope to God that he is not just another rich guy with a big mouth but if you give him a  smack he runs home to his mother.


UPDATE 2/18/2016   ***  I am sorry to say after Trump said the Iraq war was useless and blamed Bush for 9-11, I reserve my support for Mr. trump until he can show me he is for real and not just another big mouth.
      Update 12/12/2017.  In spite of a constant anti Trump propaganda assault by the mainstream media, Trump has shown he is a real tough guy. How he is able to hold up against this constant pressure by the anti Trump is beyond me. As far as I am concerned,despite the obstacles liberals inflict him with, Donald Trump has made a positive difference for America. The economy is booming, adding jobs and rising wages. Has finally addressed the trade deficit, has defeated ISSIS in Iraq, has made China take action against N, Korea, has beefed up the military that was undermined under Obama, has put a needed conservative on the Supreme court,has put in a travel ban to protect the American people, and has gained the respect of world leaders
UPDATE 1/27/2018
So after one year in office, Donald Trump has had significant success such as a booming economy as a result of loosening barriers for business and the tax plan. He also has had success with the defeat of ISSIS in Iraq and Syria, . Trump has dealt with the trade deficit which has been ignored in previous administrations. But the mass media and their partners in the democrat party are working day and night to obstruct these policies which benefit ALL the people and not to voting blocks. Liberals have shown themselves to be traitors and only care about abortion and gay sex.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

The invasion of Iraq, right or wrong?

Jeb Bush stuttered and choked when asked , if the invasion of Iraq was a mistake. It is a shame that Jeb ,running for president in 2016 and the brother of George Bush, cannot justify the invasion.

Why does someone in his position, fall for the trap that the liberal media has been using for years? The liberal media has dogmatically insisted that the only reason for the invasion of Iraq was ,Weapons of mass destruction, and since the WMD were not found, the invasion was unnecessary.

9-11 was the reason the US invaded Iraq. Could George Bush have received authorization from congress and the United Nations, without 9-11? Oh but, Saddam had nothing to do with 9-11, the liberal medial says.

Before 9-11, there many terrorists attacks against the US such as: embassies, barracks, ships and planes. Always some radical Islamic terrorists group from different countries within the Islamic dominated world. And let us not forget 9-11 was the Second attempt on the World Trade Center from a Islamic terrorist group.

So, 9-11 happens and what is the US to do? The whole world is watching. What will the world's leading superpower do after suffering such an attack, in my opinion, worse than Pearl Harbor, which launched America into World War 2 ? Also, after the attack on Pearl Harbor by Japan, the US also want to war with Germany, which did not attack the US. Because Germany was also a direct threat to America.

The law of the streets, the jungle and international relations are similar in that weakness invites further violence. The best way to avoid conflict on the streets is the willingness to fight if pushed hard enough. Predators look for easy kills, they don't want to have to fight to the death everytime they want something to eat. A former president put it simply, " Peace through Strength".

This applies to the 9-11 attack. Anything less than a massive response from the US would have indicated weakness and invited more attacks against America.

The US was already in AI state of war with Iraq from Desert Storm. Saddam's Iraq was considered a threat by Bill Clinton, who stated the Saddam was a threat to the region and the US, Clinton even bombed Iraq. When it was evident that Bush meant business and was not bluffing, there were no terrorist attacks outside of Iraq and the Middle East was relatively stable. If successful, the removal of Saddam would bring stability and democracy to the Middle East.

This was consistent with America's security stadegy for the last 100 years, fight them there before we have to fight them here.

But, the liberal media would have none of that. Even though there is video evidence of Saddam using poison gas against the Kurds, and the gas is considered WMD, the liberal media harped on the inability to find them after the invasion. Of coarse they did not mention that there was massive traffic between Iraq and Syria leading up to the invasion. This was tactic that Saddam used before, when during Desert Storm he sent his entire air force to Iran to prevent them from being blown up by the American air force. Since it has been shown that Syria recently used chemical weapon which he most likely received from Iraq.

Because George Bush is a republican is all the liberals cared about. They constantly undermined the war effort as they did during the Viet Nam war. But in spite of them, it was almost successful, with stability and democracy emerging in Iraq. That is until Obama became president and pulled all the troops out prematurely, which crated a vacuum, being filled now by radical Islamic terrorists.

With America in retreat around the world as other entities are filling the vacuum. With Russia biting off a piece of Ukraine and China declaring a no fly zone in a area once considered international waters , the world will pine for the days when America was involved in their security. Of coarse there is Iran filling part of the vacuum as their military chants "Death to America". Let us not forget Isis which would have been annilated if the American military was still around but they are not, so Isis grabs their share of the vacuum. Let us not forget, America still has thousands of troops in Korea from the 1950's and many thousands protecting Europe.

What is ironic, most liberals are single issue advocates such as: same sex marriage, women's rights, abortion and atheism. Anyone one of these issues would get your head chopped off if you advocated for them in the Islamic world.