Sunday, September 18, 2011

Mass Media 2

This morning, Sunday, I got up to watch Meet the Press and This Week on ABC. I wanted to hear some thing about that Solyndra deal which on the surface seems like a scandal for the White House. I don't know if it really is a scandal but it was hardly mentioned by either of the two moderators. A couple of guests did bring it up but the moderator quickly changed the subject back to what Obama can do to get re-elected.

Washington Post on Solyndra

I would have liked to hear more about the Boeing deal that may send jobs out of America because Boeing wants to move to a work free state, that is a state within the United States that does not require union membership to work but The Obama administration is trying to stop them. Why? To appease the unions even though, if Obama is successful, Boeing may move out of the US. So, on the surface it seems Obama cares more about his union contributor's than jobs for all Americans.

Washington Post on Boeing

Now my beef is with the mass media and not Obama. Why do I have to  search the Internet to know what is happening in the world? Why is Tv news now just a department within the democratic party?

Who can doubt if a republican president was involved in giving stimulus money to a company that they championed and also received campaign contributions and then went bankrupt, who can doubt that they would be broadcasting this potential scandal 24/7 ?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Broken Health care system

OK, we went through for a couple of years of debate on health care and  ended up with Obamacare. It was a nice try but it is not going to work because it does not attack the main problem with health care and that is the cost.

Up until a few years ago, most large companies provided free health insurance for their employees and their families. When I first came out to California in 1982 my family and I were covered by Screen Actors Guild after I did a couple of guest spots on TV. I maybe earned $6,000 my first year in Los Angeles. That little money I earned qualified me for full insurance. That meant not only me but my wife and the birth of my daughter in 1983. Now an actor has to earn $27,000 to qualify.

So what changed? First of all, there has been a massive immigration from Mexico of poor uneducated people who, for the most part, get at least maternity care for free.Also, they use the emergency rooms for minor ailments and are not required to show ID. If they get free health care then somebody has to pay for that care or the hospital goes out of business. And who is that? You pay for it when you get medical care with insurance. The hospital is going to bang your insurance big time to pay for free care.

Also, we have to reduce the demand for health care. How do you do that? People should not be encourage to seek medical care for every ache and pain they have. The medical industry constantly tells the public they should get annual exams and test for everything,prostrate,breast ,you name it and there is an annual test they tell you to come in and test. Of coarse the doctor, like a car mechanic, is going to find something that you will need medication for that may do more harm than good. These test and medications are not needed for basically healthy people. In fact, if you want to stay healthy, keep away from the medical industry unless it is an emergency.

I am now 72 years old and I cannot remember the last time I went to a doctor for anything and I have full coverage. Yes, I am lucky to be healthy at my age but I do things for myself that keeps me away from doctors

Fist of all, exercise is the most important. Why, I don't know but the body rejuvenates itself after a good workout and maybe builds the body better than before the workout. Next is good food. This is common sense to have a balanced diet and with exercise and some moderation you don't have to diet to keep the weight off. In fact, a lot of these fad diets are bad for you because you are denying your body of nutrients that it may need.

I hear people say they don't have any sugar or carbohydrates but if you are successful in denying yourself of these foods ,you would die.

Also, medical mistakes ranks in the top 10 reasons why people die.

So, in conclusion, common sense a little knowledge of how the body works can keep you healthy and away from the Medical Industry.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Is muliculturalism good for America?

The idea of multiculturalism reads good on paper. Different races and cultures living together in peace and harmony. Who wouldn't want that? But unfortunately in countries  where there is a mixture of different cultures and language, there is constant civil war and sectarian violence.

While America has had and still has many faults, it makes every effort to correct them.The beauty of America  is that anyone can be an American.All religions and cultures united in one language and culture. It was once called "THE MELTING POT" That is what brings diversity to a society.

We have a problem now with poor uneducated people  flooding into the country illegally and, for many of them, have no desire to assimilate. And these cowardly politicians cater to them just to get the Latino vote no matter what damage is done to society. All they care about is keeping those lucrative,fun and powerful jobs.

It is soon to be signed into law that illegal aliens will only have to pay in state tuition to go to UC colleges. That means that a American citizen coming from another state pays more than a illegal alien. Also the illegals will be eligible for tuition grants which means poor American citizens may not get the grants because the money will go to illegals.

La Times on in state tuition

One of the disasters in the school system in America today is that they no longer teach American history. Kids grow up not knowing how lucky they are to be in America .

If recent immigrants cling to their old culture and language and have no allegiance To America, they will separate into different enclaves that will clash with each other as they do everywhere else.

Look what happened to this poor guy from Italy.
A failure to communicate

It is a mistake to put any government documents in any language but English.

United we stand, divided we fall.

Is it necessary to believe in God?

When I watch animals in nature, whether in a documentary or just birds or squirrels interacting with each other, I wonder when was the point in time humans acquired a conscience.

While animals display the best in human traits such as, nurturing and protecting their young and showing courage in the hunt, they also display the worst such as birds stealing food out of the mouths of other birds and killing without remorse.While these traits are evident in humans, it is not the norm among the mass of people. No civilization could survive if everyone stole and killed without remorse.

In looking back to ancient civilizations, it is evident that they believed in and worshipped some kind of supernatural entity. It seems that it is hard wired into our consciousness to believe in life after death and a entity that watches and judges  them. If the gods were not obeyed a terrible price would be paid. Or so they believed.

It was necessary to keep order in a society. Without it, even with a iron hand government that cracked down harshly on any rule breaker, there is massive corruption by the people and their leaders and order is kept through the most horrid brutality. Look at the bleak and harsh rule of the old Soviet Union or North Korea now.

Without belief in a after life or god, if a individual thought he could get away with a crime without punishment, what is to stop him from taking advantage of a opportunity. Humans,as well as animals, are basically selfish and will do what is best for themselves, regardless of the cost to society.

Where does altruism come into play with humans that does not exist in the animal world? What prevents humans from stealing and killing each other to satisfy their desires? Is it just the law? Does the law stop serial killers? Could someone be a serial killer, that kills for pleasure , if he thought a higher power was watching him and would punish him for his evil for all eternity.

The difference between us and animals is a conscience which became part of his nature when millions of years ago some ape looked up at the stars and wondered , does my life have meaning?

If you are a non-believer, science over the last 50 years have shown evidence of Intelligent Design. For example: the universe had a beginning with the Big bang.
For more examples of Intelligent Design, go to:
Scientific Arguments against Atheism

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I know people are going to hate me for this and I will be called a sexist and every other name that they can think of but feminist should take a break and see that they have gone too far.

As I move into my sixties I see many of my peers, men and women , living alone. Some had brief marriages that maybe lasted 3 or 4 years but basically are facing old age alone with no mate and for most no children. They try to be happy and they  try to keep active, but when they talk about themselves, they cannot hide the regret.

It is only natural to find a mate and raise a family. This has been the goal for humanity for thousands of years. Men and women are meant to be together, neither is whole without the other. Nature had designed us to compensate for each other. Men have certain innate talents and so do women but they are different from each other and need each other.

I do believe women should have their freedom to do as they please as men do but to assume they don't need men in their lives is to deny themselves the only thing worth living for, to raise a successful family.

I have some female friends that are hitting their 40's and 50's, that put their career first and their basic desires were put on hold. They looked for the perfect mate that would accept them for who they are. But they would not accept anyone that didn't fit in to their illusion of the perfect man.

So ,after feminism achieved their goal to give women equal rights, they should have went home. But they pushed the agenda way past balance and created a war between the sexes.

This has affected men in a negative way. Sensing hostility from some women just because they are male, some men have taken advantage of this new found liberty for women by using them as sex objects and then discarding them without any remorse.

Before abortion and birth control, women could not have one night stands without consequences like a man could. But with this new freedom, men could put more pressure on women to have sex with them because after all,pregnancy was not a option. Feminism was the best thing that could have happened for men that seek sex without commitment.