Thursday, November 16, 2017

When does seduction become sexual harrassment ?

Because of the recent bombardment of sexual harrassment allegations, I think it is time to define the distinction between sexual harrassment and seduction. So, as a man who loves women and has chased them all my life, I thought I would set some indicators to educate young men the subtleties of seduction.

Now, I don't mean ugly rich guys, that if it wasn't for their money and power would lead the lonely life of a eunuch. You know the kind of guy that would go stag to a wife swapping party, you know, the kin d of guy that has to get his hand drunk to masturbate.

Now what exactly is sexual harrassment? If you find a woman attractive and attempt to get to know her better and she tells you to get lost. If you persist and she tells you that she is meeting her boyfriend ,who is a cop, or her father in the Mafia, chances are, she is not interested in you.

But how are you to know if you don't try, right? You cannot hit a homerun if you do not swing away, to use a baseball analogy. Because men are required to make the first move, what man cannot be accused of some sort of sexual harrassment. The rules are not clearly defined, is it one slap on the face or would two be sufficient. But what if the slap is a soft caress?

Friday, November 10, 2017

Liberals gloat over election victory in Virginia.

The liberal media could not hold back their glee in reporting of the democrat elected govenour of Virginia. But these republicans that ran inspire no passion in the people that see Trump as their champion. Why don't these republicans defend Trump from the constant media onslaught to destroy Trump. Because they fear the mass media's power to influence millions of people by ridicule.

And these media supported liberal politicians , as they sit in their ivory towers, tell the working class that they have to welcome and absorb millions of people from a different culture,different language and a anti western way of thinking. And why do they force this on the working class, so they can get elected and stay in power and advance their atheistic socialistic agenda. But the elites are not affected by this as they fly around the world and enjoy what the working class can only dream about. By working class I mean the people who, have sieved in the military and now struggle from month to month to pay bills and raise their children.

It is not only the news media but the whole entertainment industry that participates in this trendy anti Americanism. These actors or whatever on shows like The View or Saturday Night Live and all these late night comediennes, are either so out of touch with the American people or bow to liberal political correctness in order to have a career. They either do not care or are so shallow that they cannot see what the Obama liberal agenda with their open borders and everyone will love one another has been a total disaster in Europe which will be Muslim in 10 years and the death of democracy.

How do they get away with it?