Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Unification of Korea!

I knew something was going on when N, Korea and S. Korea agreed to send just one Olympic team to represent all of Korea at the Olympics.

Us boomers can remember when there was a E. Germany a communist dictatorship where the people had shortages of everyday items like FOOD etc. This is because of the basic flaw in communist philosophy, controlling the people suppresses creativity. While across the border in W. Germany, any need the people want is quickly filled by entrenepeurs willing to take the risk to fill the need and profit from it.

Eventually the people in the communist countries look across the border and see a well fed and prosperous people on the whole, while they have to live under the threat of starvation.

This is what is happening in N. Korea. How long can a repressive regime last if the people have to eat grass to survive?

When America threw off the tyranny of the monarchs, that had ruled humanity for thousands of years ,it opened up the creativity of the average person by enabling them to be free to create.

And what did this new wave of creativity do for the common person. If you have the ambition and imagination, you can go from poor to rich in one generation.

Before 1776, The Declaration of Inderpendance, technology had not advanced for thousands of years. And then, from a free America, came the steam engine, electricity and the lightbulb,cars,trains,planes and all modern technology, all originated in America and shared with the rest of the world.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

James Comey interview produces no new verified facts!

Again the mass news media buildup of a interview that they hope will bring down the presidency of Donald Trump, produces no new verified facts but enables the news media to have others throw dirt on Trump, at their bidding.

First we have a porn actress, who claims s to have had a one night stand with Trump before he was president, and was paid money to keep her mouth shut. But after Trump became president ,looked to extort more money and encouraged by the media that publized this interview day and night.

Then the James Comey interview and again, no new verified information but using unverified rumors , of a disgusting nature, to throw dirt on Trump with the urging of the news media. The interview came off as a fired employee using lies to trash his former boss.

This is the same news media that defended Bill Clinton from sexual attacks and harrassments while still president. Also, the same news media that kissed the feet of Ted Kennedy, who had a affair with another woman while married and left the woman to die in a car accident because he was afraid of being exposed. This became known over the years even when he was still a senator but the news media kept this information away from the public.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Chemical use in Syrian War!

Assad the leader in Syria is accused of using chemical weapons against the all but beaten Syrian rebels. I have serious questions about this incident.

Is America being duped into entering the Syrian war by staging the results of a chemical attack. To me, the images shown in the media look like they could have been staged to use for propaganda. Images of people being doused with water is not proof, there were no images of dead bodies or other destruction.

And why would Assay use chemical weapons and risk the wrath of the world when the Syrian rebels are all but beaten and Assad has the backing of Russia, Iran and Turkey.

In the liberal news they seem to want to goad Trump into attacking Syria. The hypocrisy is astounding, these are the same people that undermined the Vietnam War, the Cold War against the old Soviet Union and the Iraq War.

As I write this there has been no conclusive proof there was a chemical attack in Syria other than staged videos and pictures offered by the Syrian rebels. Yet the news media which seems to favor attacking Syria, wanted conclusive proof of weapons of mass destruction during the Iraq War.

The liberals will do anything to destroy Trump, even get America 7nvolved in a unnecessary war

Saturday, April 7, 2018

A Deplorable explains Trump's support

Imagine if you are drowning in the ocean and someone comes along and rescues you. MAybe that person has an obnoxious personality and is someone you would not normally like. But this person that saved you from the jaws of death would be entitled to your everlasting gratitude which I am sure you would gladly give.

Donald Trump has come along to save America from destruction.

At 73 years old, I have seen America go from being the most prosperous and proud country in the world to a decaying and divided country. I remember the 1950's when returning world war 2 veterans, like my father, entered the working class and were able to afford a house and car on just 1 WORKING CLASS SALARY.

America was always the leaders in technology by creating and then sharing with the world, the light bulb, steam engine,telephone,cars plans,computers and many more.

I was in a crowded bar in 1969, after returning from the US Navy, and on the television was an American setting a human foot on the moon for the first time. The place erupted in cheers and everyone felt a great pride in their country.

But there was an insidious cancer at work, atheistic socialism, with an agenda to destroy America from within. This group came to prominence during the Vietnam war and now have almost total control of the news and entertainment business, the courts and most of all, the u ivercities that have brainwashed 3 generations of Americans.

So along comes Trump, patriotic and perceptive, and tries to correct the obvious flaws that have led to the deteriation of America.

But the atheistic socialists or liberals, which ever you like, do not care about what is good for America and it's people. Trump is a threat to them and their agenda of a world government run on the principle of communism. So they must destroy him.

The news organizations amplify every imaginable negative that they can conjure up against him, they can ignore positive achievements and devote most of their programming to anti Trump news but to any intelligent observer, they have lost all credibility and will never get it back.

But the American people ,in their wisdom, have recognized these flaws but there has been no one u till Trump to take these problems head on.

Things like the trade imbalance that has enriched other countries at the expense of America. Illegal immigration that has not only increased over the years but encouraged by liberal politicians to give them an endless supply of voters to keep them perpetually in control. The liberals cry racism if any politician dares to propose anything that would limit illegal immigration. But it has nothing to do with racism but numbers, the system cannot maintain itself with millions of poor uneducated people flooding the country and overwhelming social services and quality of life. Anyone, Hispanic or otherwise must see this and support Trump