Saturday, April 7, 2018

A Deplorable explains Trump's support

Imagine if you are drowning in the ocean and someone comes along and rescues you. MAybe that person has an obnoxious personality and is someone you would not normally like. But this person that saved you from the jaws of death would be entitled to your everlasting gratitude which I am sure you would gladly give.

Donald Trump has come along to save America from destruction.

At 73 years old, I have seen America go from being the most prosperous and proud country in the world to a decaying and divided country. I remember the 1950's when returning world war 2 veterans, like my father, entered the working class and were able to afford a house and car on just 1 WORKING CLASS SALARY.

America was always the leaders in technology by creating and then sharing with the world, the light bulb, steam engine,telephone,cars plans,computers and many more.

I was in a crowded bar in 1969, after returning from the US Navy, and on the television was an American setting a human foot on the moon for the first time. The place erupted in cheers and everyone felt a great pride in their country.

But there was an insidious cancer at work, atheistic socialism, with an agenda to destroy America from within. This group came to prominence during the Vietnam war and now have almost total control of the news and entertainment business, the courts and most of all, the u ivercities that have brainwashed 3 generations of Americans.

So along comes Trump, patriotic and perceptive, and tries to correct the obvious flaws that have led to the deteriation of America.

But the atheistic socialists or liberals, which ever you like, do not care about what is good for America and it's people. Trump is a threat to them and their agenda of a world government run on the principle of communism. So they must destroy him.

The news organizations amplify every imaginable negative that they can conjure up against him, they can ignore positive achievements and devote most of their programming to anti Trump news but to any intelligent observer, they have lost all credibility and will never get it back.

But the American people ,in their wisdom, have recognized these flaws but there has been no one u till Trump to take these problems head on.

Things like the trade imbalance that has enriched other countries at the expense of America. Illegal immigration that has not only increased over the years but encouraged by liberal politicians to give them an endless supply of voters to keep them perpetually in control. The liberals cry racism if any politician dares to propose anything that would limit illegal immigration. But it has nothing to do with racism but numbers, the system cannot maintain itself with millions of poor uneducated people flooding the country and overwhelming social services and quality of life. Anyone, Hispanic or otherwise must see this and support Trump