Tuesday, July 1, 2014


The common denominator of all liberal policies such as;abortion, same sex marriage,global warming, atheism and gun-control is depopulation. For years I have wondered, why so many people favor these issues ,even if it is to the detriment of their own country.
I don't mean 'the useful idiots' that will go along with any trendy movement. I mean the important billionaires, the big shots in industry, government and the universities.

Why would all these big shots not realize the chaos these policies cause.Because, they want the chaos, they will be protected, they have big money, they have many options. they will just stay out of the way while the people destroy themselves as per their agenda of depopulation.

Abortion, if enough people get rid of their pregnancies, a lot of people will not be born. They try to take the moral high ground, ' a women's choice' sure someone is raped or just makes a mistake. But abortion advocates will not even negotiate limits such as; 3rd trimester abortions. At this point it's a developing human being and deserves  protection, but with them in power, no unborn baby is safe .This is not about a woman's choice but a insensitivity toward human life.

Same Sex Marriage. this one is easy, men joining with other men and likewise  women with women produces no children.consistent with depopulation.

Human Caused Global Warming, Climate Change; While the scientific proof of this is dubious, at best, many big shots are anxious to do something about it. The solutions they propose will dramatically increase the cost of energy and energy drives the economy.If gas went to 15 a gallon, that would be just pocket change for the big shots but a tremendous burden on the average person. This one really excites them because there would be just them and other big shots on the road.

Atheism; from the beginning of human history, all civilizations were formed around some belief in the supernatural. This is what separates humans from animals. This belief enables humans to live together in peace. otherwise there would be no concept of right or wrong and impossible to control the population.

Gun Control; of coarse some gun control is necessary but the big shots want to take the average Joe's gun away. Ignoring the fact that gun control laws are ignored by criminals and only affect law abiding citizens that wish to protect themselves from criminals.

You have to be aware that many of these people are globalists and have no love for America, in fact they hate what this country stands for, a free and brave people, and they reside globally, they think they are immune from any chaos their policies cause. To give one example , the founder and ceo of facebook, a billion dollar company, advocates for open immigration for America. But he resides in a mansion in a gated community, not only that but he bought the surrounding houses to ensure his privacy. So , what does he care that local schools, hospitals and quality of life for the averge American will suffer greatly, he will be comfortable.

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