Sunday, February 18, 2018

News Media and Democrat Collusion

So, is the news media and democrat hysteria with the accusation of Russian collusion with the Trump administration over? What will the news media and democrats try next in their war against Trump?

What has come out after a year of intense investigation is that the Russians bought a few ads on Facebook and organized rallies and protests for and AGAINST Trump. But most important, no intentional collusion between Russia and anyone in the Trump administration.

Of coarse the news media reported that Russia organized rallies for Trump but failed to mention they also organized rallies against Trump. While the media never misses an opportunity to attack Trump, it is the news they fail to report that proves the overwhelming bias in their reporting and obedience to the democrat party, which stands for abortion and same sex marriage over the economy and national security. their support for illegal immigration is to give them a steady supply of democrat voters to keep them in power. that is all they care about.

Here is a rally against Trump that was organized by Russia.
Not my president

Like I said, the news media will not report any positive news about the Trump administration. I am not going to list the Trump successes because ,if you are reading this blog, then you are an informed person and aware of reality in spite of the news media.

But what about people that don't pay attention to what is really going on? What about people that only pay attention to what movie star just got divorced rather than the Trump tax plan that will bring in billions of dollars into the country that have been parked overseas and that will benefit anyone with a job.

Of coarse, with this blatant bias, the news media has lost all credibility to anyone that pays attention and is concerned about the future of America.

Do the media people care that many Americans see through their treachery? No, they do not, when they have total control of the government, they will be part of the dictatorship and will stay in power forever.

1 comment:

  1. The Media isn't right or left. They are whoever pads their pockets. And since before the Clinton Administration, our government has been molded by the security services FBI, DEA, CIA, DOD, etc. to control all aspects of Media, Print, Newspaper, or Broadcast. Here is a leaflet I dropped over a couple NFL Games in Northern California to Warn the Public. Hasn't made much difference yet. Tracy Mapes
