Saturday, April 4, 2020

Corona virus is a fake crisis

Meanwhile, 10 million Americans have lost their jobs over a corona virus death percentage rate that rounds off to Zero Percent! 75,000 Americans died from Swine Flu in 2009-10. The economy did not shut down in 2009-10. Spare me the melodrama that it’s OK to destroy our economy if it saves just one life. 384,000 abortions, including late term and post-birth are performed every year! 3 million Americans die from all causes every year! People die. No one likes it, but it has and will always be a reality! This is a media hyped crisis that few die from. Most corona virus patients have a full recovery! Those in the high risk category need to take precautions. The rest of us that need to feed our families should have the right to choose for ourselves if we go to work. Do we close down America every year going forward during the flu season? The window to reverse this unnecessary economic suicide is closing fast. America needs to walk and chew gum at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. Nope. Only 12,250 people died of H1N1 from 2009-2010. You can't tell the difference between how many got infected vs. how many actually DIED.

    In just two little months, more Americans have been allowed to perish from this MORONavirus (I spelled it that way on purpose) than died in the full YEAR of Obama's flu.

    And false comparisons galore! Abortion??? WHY??? Is abortion contagious? If your mama gets an abortion, only one very good death occurs; if someone catches Donald's MORONavirus, then they'll infect a few people, and then THEY'LL each infect a few people, in the end killing an unfettered amount of Americans. But that's what you want, isn't it? You want MAYHEM. You want The Walking Dead, where the virus doesn't turn everyone into zombies, but just kills them.
