Friday, October 6, 2017

Leftist Mass Media seeks control of American government and society.

It has become obvious to me at least, that the mass media, which includes the news and entertainment industries, control the democrat party and to a lesser extent much of the republican party, which gives them control over the US government.

While the media has always tilted left, it has never been more obvious than the relentless criticism of the candidacy and election of President Donald Trump

All current news shows, no matter what the content, are geared toward anti Trump, no matter how trivial the perceived offense , and at the same time bury any news that might benefit Trump. News commentators like George Sephanopoulos, for ABC and who used to work for the Clinton's, makes no attempt to be impartial and is no more than a democrat activist posing as a journalist.

Shows like THE VIEW and SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE devote almost their entire show to anti Trump. Late night comedy talk shows use their airtime to demean and humiliate Donald Trump. This power the mass media has scares most politicians who wilt and fall to their knees in front of TV cameras, lest they suffer the consequences. Only Donald Trump has stood firmly against the atheistic socialism that the mass media advocates. That is why they hate him so much.

Who are these people? How did they attain this monopoly of the media? Nobody elected them.

What happened in Charlottesville, Virginia is an example of the democrats and the mass media working together to create news that furthers their agenda.

Here are the facts. White supremetists applied for a permit to have a march. The permit was granted, even though the government must have know that this march would draw a large counter and hostile protest of the march. Now, remember that the governor of Virginia is Terry McAliffe worked for the Clinton's. When the march began and the white s. Were met by a large and hostile group. In most situations like this, the police make every attempt to keep the opposing groups apart so there is no violence. In this case the police were pulled back which allowed the 2 opposing groups to fight with each other.

Why were thepolice told to lay back? Because, it is my belief they wanted violence and carnage. They were hoping that the white supremists would open fire on the opposing group and kill many of them. Then the media could use that to attack the 2nd amendment and label all right wing groups as terrorists. As it turned out, there was no shooting but 1 person was run over, which the media used to attack Trump.

It has never been answered why the police were pulled back, when knowing there would be conflict.

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